Hello everyone, and welcome to all the new likers in my online shop! Firstly, let me say thank you for taking the time to visit my page and thank you for supporting my shop by 'liking' my page and the items you find interesting! I hope you enjoy my shop, and that you find something you like!
Ever since I was a little girl I loved creating things from scratch. They were mostly for my friends and family. For as long as I can remember I have dreamt about having a store. One day I finally decided to open my own shop with little furry toys for you guys to enjoy. (Well I hope you do. Otherwise why would you read all this to this point). My creatures are born with the help of faux fur, polymer clay and pastels.
That's it folks! Thank you for taking the time to read information about my shop, and thank you for your continued support! I truly do love my creatures and I can't thank you enough when you decide to adopt one of them. It's you who make this shop a possibility! If there's anything I can do to accommodate you as a customer, please feel free to send me a message!